Friday, June 12, 2009

Commodity terms

When a product or resource is made into a highly traded and especially a speculated 'commodity', it becomes "commoditised" (British, "commoditisation") / commoditized (American, "commoditization"), although if it were "commodified" ("commodification") there would be no different spelling but it's not quite right, isn't it? Like making something into a commode (relating to the toilet)...

In Bahasa, it would be "
komoditisasi" not "komoditasi" or "komodisasi", or the purist linguist like me would prefer "pengkomoditian".

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lembap & Lembab

Bukankah ada beza antara duanya?
Isn't there a difference between the two?

lembap = basah, wet, humid - lebih lisan, more literal - "Iklim Asia Tenggara panas lembap."

lembab = perlahan, lambat atau susah untuk tangkap maksud, sembab, slow, and dim in understanding something - "Dia tu lembab, lambat nak faham cakap orang."